The proposed thematic school will constitute one of the sessions of the International School "Sound and Light", and will be devoted to nanophononics, that is to say study - most often by optical methods, hence the name "Sound and Light" given to the series of schools - acoustic waves in systems with a nanometric dimension or structure or even strong local heterogeneity. Many fundamental questions currently remain open in this field, concerning in particular the impact of spatial confinement on the photonic and phononic properties of nanostructures, as well as the methods of their coupling, which allows for example the optical detection of vibrations of nanostructures.
The engineering of these effects opens the way to new applications in fields as varied as microelectronics, energy conversion or the biomedical sector.
In this 2021 edition, an important place will be given to the study and imaging of viscoelastic biological objects by Brillouin scattering, Raman scattering and impulse methods, in close relation with the COST "BioBrillouin" (https: // which will share its results (, its conclusions and its perspectives with our physicists and biophysicists participants. The COST action "BioBrillouin" will be an active support for the organization and the smooth running of the school, with the participation in the school committee of the head of COST action.
This edition was made possible by the help of various public and private sponsors listed in the "Sponsors" page and is organized by Laurent Belliard (INSP, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France), Philippe Djemia (LSPM, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Villetaneuse, France), Kareem Elsayad (Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities, Vienne, Autriche), Jérémie Margueritat (ILM, université de Lyon, France). It will take place on the magnificient site of the physics school of Les Houches, located above the Chamonix valley.
The three main goals are:
• Contributing to the initial training of young researchers working in the field of nanophononics by presenting them with a detailed state of the art in this discipline offering numerous themes of fundamental and applied research. We will take advantage of the opportunity to associate the actors of the COST "BioBrillouin" which will close in 2021, to make a particular focus on the applications in biology and other soft matters, of Brillouin scattering, Raman scattering and impulse methods .
• Stimulating and reinforce interactions between the different communities of physicists and biophysicists dedicated to the study of phonons with experimental approaches (ultrafast or vibrational spectroscopy, X-ray probe, etc.), objects of study (metallic materials, semiconductors or dielectrics confined to the nanometric scale in 1, 2 or 3 dimension (s), biological structures, soft matter…), vocabularies and finalities (answer to fundamental questions or development of innovative technological applications), and having few opportunities to exchange ideas outside of Sound and Light schools. These exchanges will most likely allow interesting parallels to be drawn between the concepts handled by the different communities and will facilitate the implementation of resolutely multidisciplinary innovative research projects.
• Attracting researchers / engineers from industrial R&D centers (Essilor, Thalès, etc.) and joint laboratories with the CNRS (Saint Gobain Research, Thalès, STMicroelectronics,...) to participate or as a speaker to illustrate industrial applications.
The objective of the session will be to give participants solid foundations in the field of nanophononics through in-depth and educational courses which will introduce the basic concepts of this discipline, describe the fundamental questions studied and the associated technological problems, and present the experimental and theoretical approaches available to tackle them. In particular, the physical concepts, experimental techniques, HP-HT environments, modeling and applications of ultrasonic waves will be treated:
• Vibration damping mechanisms.
• Acoustic cavities.
• Thermal transport at the nanometric scale: ballistic and diffusive regimes, interface resistances - Thermoreflectance resolved in time or frequency.
• Photons, phonons, magnons interactions.
• Optical generation / detection of GHz / THz phonons (picosecond acoustics).
• Ultrafast optical spectroscopy.
• THz spectroscopy.
• Use of X-rays to probe matter.
• High pressure-high temperature environments.
• Localized vibration modes in nano-objects.
• Acoustic interactions between nearby nano-objects and in periodic structures (phononic crystals, metamaterials, etc.).
• Surface acoustic waves.
• Modeling of acoustic waves.
• Optomechanics: coupling mechanisms, phoxonic crystals, quantum regime…
• Inelastic light scattering by phonons (Brillouin and Raman spectroscopies).
• Technological, biological and medical applications of ultrasonic waves.